The Eight Limbs of Yoga: Niyamas & Saucha
The niyamas are the second limb of yoga. Just like the yamas, there are five niyamas. They can be thought of as healthy daily habits that...

Easy Vegan-Paleo Fudge Blondies!
If you know me in real life, you probably know my diet has changed tremendously within the past few months. I no longer partake in dairy,...

J-Ma: Learning, Growing, Healing
This past weekend I had the pleasure of sitting down with Jordan Macbeth, also known as J-Ma, before her Lunarology workshop at the...

The Subtleties of Forward Folds: Prasarita Padottanasana A
Forward folds have become increasingly special in my own yoga practice. For me, forward folds are so introspective, so calming and...

Why you Need Celery Juice in your Life
Ahhh, celery. I have a newfound love for this amazing superfood. I've been juicing one whole celery stalk every morning now only for...

How to Embody the Essence of Yoga
Yoga is a practice of turning inward in hopes of achieving self-realization and actualizing a more peaceful life. It is a lifelong...

Pose of the Week: Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
We have a bright new week ahead of us, yogis, and with it we have one of my personal favorite poses, Camel Pose! This is a great...