Pose of the Week: Bakasana, Crane Pose
Bakasana, or Crane pose, is perfect for those just beginning their arm balancing journey, and is probably the first arm balance you will...

Get Better Night's Rest with these Sleep Hacks
Do you have a hard time falling asleep at night? I used to find myself tossing and turning in bed for hours before actually being able to...

Understanding Yamas: Asteya
Asteya, the third Yama. In Sanskrit, the language of yoga, asteya translates to "non-stealing," or the ability to resist a desire for...

Pose of the Week: Pigeon/Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, also known as One Foot King Pigeon Pose (or Pigeon Pose for short) is a deep hip opener...

Yogi Musings: Sacred Simplicity
I'm currently lying in bed, drinking my coffee with a novel to my right and a sweet sleeping baby boy to my left. It's quiet in the...