Understanding Niyamas: Santosha
Imagine a neighborhood. The sun has set and the moon is bright, and everyone has fallen idly asleep. It’s peaceful, quiet, and so very...

The Eight Limbs of Yoga: Niyamas & Saucha
The niyamas are the second limb of yoga. Just like the yamas, there are five niyamas. They can be thought of as healthy daily habits that...

Understanding Yamas: Satya
Satya, the second Yama. Sutra 1:2 Yoga is complete mastery over the roaming tendencies of the mind Sutra 1:3 Then the Observer becomes...

The Eight Limbs of Yoga: Yamas & Ahimsa
The practice of yoga asana, or the physical practice of yoga, is only one aspect in leading a yogic life. An individual truly begins...